EcoPledge is a student-led organization that works to make Boston College a more sustainable campus.

We educate the BC Community about environmental issues by showing films, presenting lectures, and hosting annual events like Harvest Fest and Earth Day. Through the leadership of EcoPledge members, Boston College has participated annually in RecycleMania, an national intercollegiate recycling competition, and the Better Off Contest, a two-month energy conservation contest among the residential halls. Our club has run campus-wide campaigns to promote water and energy conservation and an increase in co-mingled plastic, paper, and food waste recycling. EcoPledge makes an impact beyond the campus, as well-- participating in local community clean-ups, national environmental conferences, and hiking and camping outings throughout New England. We strive to collaborate with faculty, staff, and fellow students in campaigning for a more sustainable Boston College campus.

Learn how to get involved!